Your career in care with Hesley Group

Career progression at Hesley Group works around you. Our Leadership Development Programme offers a number of ways to progress your career with us.

Many of our Managers started out as Support Workers and we have a clear pathway for those wanting to move into a management role. But we know it isn’t everyone’s goal become a Manager. If it’s not for you, we have Advanced Practitioner pathways to reward and recognise your skills and experience.

We focus on ensuring our people have the skills they need but always have the opportunity to continue learning.

Our dedicated induction programme is continually built on with mandatory and developmental training, as well the opportunity to undertake qualifications from L2 NVQ’s through to Degrees!

“At Hesley we emphasise the principle of care as a career, not a stop gap, supporting staff with the right training to develop the skills and behaviours they need to deliver outstanding care and support. We’re proud of the fact that so many of our leaders have progressed from within the organisation and that we continue to help people achieve their career aspirations” - Director of People & Culture

Great things happen every day when you work for the Hesley Group. But don't just take our word for it, below are a few career journeys written by some of the people who make up our fantastic team. It might just give you an insight into the work we do and how by joining us you could begin your Hesley Career and be making the difference too.

Our career journeys

from Assistant Secretary to Administration Manager...

Jill’s journey


Jillfrom Assistant Secretary to Administration Manager...

Hi my name is Jill and I am the Administration Manager at Meadow View.

I have worked for Hesley Group for many years now, having joined in January 2008 with my journey beginning at another service as an Assistant Secretary. I moved over to Meadow View in January 2012 as I gained a promotion to Senior Secretary and was then successful in my application for the Administrator role in August 2017. More recently that role has developed into my new Administration Manager position.

I really enjoy working for Hesley Group as I have always felt supported within each role and have always been encouraged to progress. I have built up relationships with various teams across all sites and have worked together on various projects.

It’s a real team effort working here, it’s great how all the roles come together to support the people within the services of Hesley Group.

from Activity Co-ordinator to Assistant Principal...

Laura’s journey


Laurafrom Activity Co-ordinator to Assistant Principal...

Hi, I’m Laura, right from leaving college and then going on to study my degree in Early Childhood Studies I always knew that I wanted a career with a difference, something out of the ordinary, where every day is different, exciting and challenging. I can certainly say that, that has been the case for me over the last 13 years.

After completing my degree, I worked for 18 months for another health and social care provider, whilst I was trying to figure out if I wanted to work in social care or education. One thing I was sure about was that I wanted to work with young people with complex needs.

I first joined Hesley Group as an Activity Programme Co-ordinator and for five years working in this role I got to have fun for a living. I organised and led adventure mini breaks, co-ordinated and lead after school clubs and organised activities in the school holidays including special events. I was also given the opportunity to work closely with education teams as well as with social care, this role kept me busy to say the least, allowed me to be creative whilst being fun and exciting.

Whilst in this role I was lucky enough to have the most supportive manager who was able to guide me to success. I was also given the opportunity to attend an array of different courses that would benefit the offer to the young people in our service, for example I completed my gym instructor qualification and Rebound Therapy Coach award. During this time, I also completed my Diploma in Teaching, of which supported me to become more outcome focused in the provision I developed.

After I had accomplished what I had set out to achieve in that role, I was ready to move on. A teaching opportunity became available at one of Hesley Group’s other services, I was successful in my application and before I had completed my first year teaching I had proudly achieved my Qualified Teacher Status. Before I knew it I had been teaching for five years and was ready for my next challenge. In 2020 I gained a new title of SENCO and became part of the Senior Leadership team. Within the first year of the post I achieved my Postgraduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs Co-ordination with Sheffield Hallam University. My proudest qualification to date, I thoroughly enjoyed studying for this course and took a lot from it to use in practice to improve the lives of those I have always passionately and strongly advocated for my whole career to date.

Today I am learning the ropes in my most recent role as Assistant Principal in the newly developing service Mercury College, an exciting project, a learning opportunity and a privilege to be part of the support network of people around a group of amazing young adults. Preparing them to lead fulfilling lives ahead of them.

from Support Worker to General Manager...

Lisa’s journey

Lisa Mason

Lisa Masonfrom Support Worker to General Manager...

In December 1995 I started work at Fullerton House School as a relief member of staff whilst I was at university.  After I left university I then applied for a Support Worker role at Wilsic Hall School and took on this role from April 1996. I thoroughly enjoyed this role and I loved seeing the person I support reach their goals and felt that I really made a difference.

One of the best days I have ever had was when the person I was supporting learnt to blow his nose.  This took him 8 months to achieve and was broken down into steps.  The day that he did this I remember phoning his mum to let her know and she was crying because she was so overwhelmed.  This may seem like a little thing to achieve but to me and to the person’s mum it meant the world.  We had taught him a life goal and I like to think that I have made a difference to his life.  It was at this point that I realised that I had found exactly what I wanted to do.  What had started out as a 6-week job during the summer months turned into my career.  I wanted to make a difference to a person’s life.  I wanted each day to be different and I wanted to be challenged.

I was also ambitious and luckily Wilsic Hall School was fully supportive of this.  When a company invests in you it makes you feel supported and also provides a work environment that is not only conducive to learning but also makes you want to be there. I originally started as Support Worker and then moved to Team Leader, Deputy Care Manager, Care Manager and then Assistant General Manager.

Hesley Group is committed to staff development and this is evident in the training that I have completed and was funded by Hesley:

  • NVQ 2 in Care - April 1998
  • SCIP Instructor - 1999
  • Makaton Local Tutor - June 2000
  • TCI Train the Trainer Instructor - 2003
  • Bachelor of Philosophy Degree in Special Education and Learning Difficulties - November 2003
  • NVQ 3 in Children - May 2004
  • NVQ 4 in Registered Managers Award (adult) - December 2005
  • NVQ 4 in Health and Social Care Adults - November 2006
  • NVQ 4 in Health and Social Care Children - November 2006
  • NVQ 5 in Management - March 2010
  • Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership - May 2017
  • Regional Makaton Trainer - February 2018

In 2016 after 20 years working at Wilsic I was asked if I would second to Hesley Village for a period of 6 months. This initially was on a supportive basis and also to support new Care Managers that were joining the village.  After 6 months I realised that I was ready for a new challenge and opted to stay at Hesley Village.  I was offered the opportunity of acting up as Assistant General Manager and I completed this for a period of 4 months and also for annual leave cover.

In June 2018 I applied for the permanent position of Assistant General Manager here at Hesley Village and I am pleased to say that I was successful.

In 2019 I took on the role of acting General Manager and then was successful in my application for General manager. I never thought all those years ago that I would still be working for the Hesley Group and in a role I love. The company has invested time in me and I have invested time in them and it is lovely to feel appreciated and still say that 26 years later I still enjoy my role.

At the moment?  I am excited and looking forward to the future.

For a job that was supposed to last over the summer I have realised that it is not a job it is an exciting career and one that I am lucky enough to have and enjoy.